I am in mood for Japanese today, so I wanna share this song with you.
She is Natsukawa Rimi, an Okinawan singer. Her grandma is from Taiwan!lol
Nada sousou literally means : "tears are spilling". It is quite popular in Taiwan, and some Taiwanese singers just covered it from Japanese into Chinese or Taiwanese.
Her voice is really nice. Enjoy it!:)
English Translation : (All derived from the Internet)
I whisper “thank you”, as I leaf through this old photograph album,
to one who always cheered me on, within my heart
And should the memories of that smile I think of,
come rain or shine, fade away into the distance
They return in the days I search for a glimpse of your face, a stream of tears
Almost a habit now, I wish upon the very first star
Looking within the evening skies for you with all my heart
The memories of that smile I think of, in sorrow or joy
And if you can see me, from where you are
I’ll live on, believing that someday we’ll meet again
And should the memories of that smile I think of
come rain or shine, fade away into the distance
In loneliness and yearning, my feelings for you are like a stream of tears
If only we could meet, if only we could meet, my feelings for you are like a stream of tears
Chinese Translation :
翻著古老的相片簿 對著總是
在心中鼓勵著我的人 囁囁著謝謝兩個字
晴空翊爽也好 大雨滂沱也罷
那時時刻刻浮現的笑容 即使回憶已遠離褪色
我依然追尋絲絲影跡 當他甦醒時總讓我 淚光閃閃
對著第一顆升起的星星祈禱 已經變成我的習慣
在黃昏時仰望的天空裡 滿心尋找你的蹤跡
悲傷落淚也好 歡喜雀躍也罷
你的笑容總會浮上心頭 我相信從你所在的地方看得到我
晴空翊爽也好 大雨滂沱也罷
那時時刻刻浮現的笑容 即使回憶已遠離褪色
如此孤單 如此眷戀 對你的思念讓我 淚光閃閃
想見你一面 想見你一面 對你的思念讓我 淚光閃閃
(Japanese lyrics is below )
Japanese Lyrics :
古(ふる)いアルバムめくり ありがとうってつぶやいた
いつもいつも胸(むね)の中なか 励(はげ)ましてくれる人(ひと)よ
晴(は)れ渡(わた)る日(ひ)も 雨(あめ)の日(ひ)も
おもかげ探(さが)して よみがえる日(ひ)は 涙(なだ)そうそう
一番(いちばん)星(ほし)に祈(いの)る それが私(わたし)のくせになり
悲(かな)しみにも 喜(よろこ)びにも おもうあの笑顔(えがお)
見(み)えたら きっといつか 会(あ)えると信(しん)じ 生(い)きてゆく
晴(は)れ渡(わた)る日(ひ)も 雨(あめ)の日(ひ)も
さみしくて 恋(こい)しくて 君(きみ)への想(おも)い 涙(なだ)そうそう
会(あ)いたくて 会(あ)いたくて 君(きみ)への想(おも)い 涙(なだ)そうそう
She is Natsukawa Rimi, an Okinawan singer. Her grandma is from Taiwan!lol
Nada sousou literally means : "tears are spilling". It is quite popular in Taiwan, and some Taiwanese singers just covered it from Japanese into Chinese or Taiwanese.
Her voice is really nice. Enjoy it!:)
English Translation : (All derived from the Internet)
I whisper “thank you”, as I leaf through this old photograph album,
to one who always cheered me on, within my heart
And should the memories of that smile I think of,
come rain or shine, fade away into the distance
They return in the days I search for a glimpse of your face, a stream of tears
Almost a habit now, I wish upon the very first star
Looking within the evening skies for you with all my heart
The memories of that smile I think of, in sorrow or joy
And if you can see me, from where you are
I’ll live on, believing that someday we’ll meet again
And should the memories of that smile I think of
come rain or shine, fade away into the distance
In loneliness and yearning, my feelings for you are like a stream of tears
If only we could meet, if only we could meet, my feelings for you are like a stream of tears
Chinese Translation :
翻著古老的相片簿 對著總是
在心中鼓勵著我的人 囁囁著謝謝兩個字
晴空翊爽也好 大雨滂沱也罷
那時時刻刻浮現的笑容 即使回憶已遠離褪色
我依然追尋絲絲影跡 當他甦醒時總讓我 淚光閃閃
對著第一顆升起的星星祈禱 已經變成我的習慣
在黃昏時仰望的天空裡 滿心尋找你的蹤跡
悲傷落淚也好 歡喜雀躍也罷
你的笑容總會浮上心頭 我相信從你所在的地方看得到我
晴空翊爽也好 大雨滂沱也罷
那時時刻刻浮現的笑容 即使回憶已遠離褪色
如此孤單 如此眷戀 對你的思念讓我 淚光閃閃
想見你一面 想見你一面 對你的思念讓我 淚光閃閃
(Japanese lyrics is below )
Japanese Lyrics :
古(ふる)いアルバムめくり ありがとうってつぶやいた
いつもいつも胸(むね)の中なか 励(はげ)ましてくれる人(ひと)よ
晴(は)れ渡(わた)る日(ひ)も 雨(あめ)の日(ひ)も
おもかげ探(さが)して よみがえる日(ひ)は 涙(なだ)そうそう
一番(いちばん)星(ほし)に祈(いの)る それが私(わたし)のくせになり
悲(かな)しみにも 喜(よろこ)びにも おもうあの笑顔(えがお)
見(み)えたら きっといつか 会(あ)えると信(しん)じ 生(い)きてゆく
晴(は)れ渡(わた)る日(ひ)も 雨(あめ)の日(ひ)も
さみしくて 恋(こい)しくて 君(きみ)への想(おも)い 涙(なだ)そうそう
会(あ)いたくて 会(あ)いたくて 君(きみ)への想(おも)い 涙(なだ)そうそう
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